White water rafting is a sport that people all over the world participate in. I was introduced to water rafting by a family friend of mine, and its one heck of an experience. You go rafting once, you'll want to go again.
What is a rafting holiday all about? Basically you will be traveling down a river by the only method suitable - a raft! This means that you can gain access to places that cannot be reached by motorised pleasure boats or even by intrepid hikers. You will therefore be rewarded not only with the thrills of fun whitewater but also by pristine wilderness, exotic wildlife and small villages unspoiled by mass tourism. Sound OK so far?
Class 1 Small and regular waves; easily navigated passages. Usually navigable by novice paddlers.
Class 2 Regular, medium sized waves; low ledges; sweepers; log jams may be present; passages clear though narrow and requiring competent maneuvering. Inspection usually required. At least one member of team should be intermediate paddler.
Class 3 Waves numerous, high and irregular; exposed rocks; strong eddies. Inspection strongly recommended. Upper limit for open canoe. Usually navigable by intermediate to expert paddlers.
Class 4 Waves high, powerful and irregular; dangerous exposed rocks; boiling eddies; passages difficult to reconnoitre. Inspection mandatory. Powerful and precise maneuvering required. Rapids of this class, and over, should only be attempted by expert paddlers in covered canoes.
Class 5 River channel extremely obstructed; ledges; violent and fast current; abrupt corners. Reconnoitring mandatory but difficult.
Class 6 Difficulties of Class 5 carried to extremes of navigability. Definite risk of life involved.
As a beginner you would only be expected to run rapids up to a grade 4, or even grade 3, also check to see what your insurance cover will cover you for. Most policies only cover to 4 as standard.
