Sailing holidays can take on may forms, due to variety in sailing boats, from huge crusers to small dingie day boats, thus meaning that you could spend a day or as long as you want on the yacht it. A yacht charter can be costly, but does mean that you can have an entire boat to your self, or share it with lots of friends, (charter boats can come fully crewed so you don't have to lift a finger, apart from when you want to get your pimms and lemonade).
With a sailing holiday you can get involved as you want, learning how to sail a yacht or day boat, even gaining certificates from the RYA, to being the guest and sunning your self on the deck all day.
The hull is the body of the boat. Its front end is the bow; the back is the stern or transom, and port and starboard are left and right when facing forward. The top covering is the deck, and the cockpit is the area in which the Skipper and crew sit.The rudder, which controls the direction of the boat, has a handle called the tiller. Small unballasted sailboats are referred to as dinghies to distinguish them from keelboats that have a ballasted keel.
No matter how many years you've been around boats, please take just five minutes to scan this information. People who hunt or fish from boats have one of the highest boat fatality rates. More die from falling off boats 16 feet and smaller than larger boats, and most boats are anchored at the time.
Be weather wise: Sudden wind shifts, lightning flashes and choppy water all can mean a storm is brewing. Bring a portable radio to check weather reports.
Bring extra gear you may need. A flashlight, extra batteries, matches, a map of where you are, flares, sun tan lotion, first aid kit, extra sunglasses. Put those that need to be protected in a watertight pouch or a container that floats.
Tell someone where you're going, who is with you, and how long you'll be away. Then check your boat, equipment, boat balance, engine and fuel supply before leaving.
Stay dry and warm. Wear several layers of light clothing; bring rainproof covering. Never wear hip waders in a small boat.
Keep fishing & hunting gear clean and well packed. A loose fish hook can cause a lot of pain and ruin a great outing. Bring an extra length of line to secure boat or equipment.
When changing seats, stay low and near center line of a small boat.
Be ready for trouble when a powerboat passes you in a narrow channel. As the lead boat (which always has the right of way) stay on your side of the channel and maintain a steady speed so that the overtaking vessel can pass you safely. Use your radio to discuss this with the passing boat.
Make sure you know where the life jackets are stowed, how to put one on and how they work. This information should be given to you at the start of any sailing experience, if in doubt just ask.
