If you wish to travel abroad you must hold a full ten-year passport, even for a day trip. Apply in good time to the UK Passport Office.
Ensure your passport is valid for the duration of your trip. Some countries have an immigration requirement for a passport to remain valid for a minimum period (usually at least six months) beyond the date of entry to the country.
This is a requirement of the country concerned, not the UK Passport Office. Any questions should be addressed to their Consulate or Embassy.
If you plan to travel outside British territories you may require a visa to enter the country you are going to.
For all visa enquiries contact the Consulate or Embassy of the country you plan to visit.
If you are a British Dependent Territories Citizen, British Overseas Citizen, British Subject, British National Overseas, or a British Protected Person, you may need a visa that is not required by British Citizens.
Make a note of the passport number, date and place of issue, and keep separately in a safe place.
Check the passport expiry date.
Complete Next of Kin details.
Leave a photocopy with a friend or relative at home.
Take a second means of photo-identification with you.
Keep your passport in the hotel safe and carry a photocopy with you.
If your passport is lost or stolen overseas, contact the nearest British Consulate or Embassy immediately for advice.
First of all, report the loss to the police and obtain a certificate of loss. Then take the certificate to the British Consulate and apply for a replacement passport. (Please check with the Consulate beforehand, however, to confirm that they do issue passports). They will need to make some identity checks before issuing the new passport.
Yes. You can renew your passport at most British Consulates. (Please check with the Consulate beforehand to confirm that they do provide this service). We aim to renew passports in five working days.
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