- Use a money belt or secure inside pocket. If you have to carry a lot of money ask your partner or a friend to carry some for you.
- Don't carry all your cards with you - leave at least one in the hotel safe. If you lose or have your credit card stolen cancel it immediately by phoning the relevant 24-hour emergency number.
- Change money in banks or legal foreign exchange dealers. It is often illegal to change with unauthorised persons, and you run the risk of receiving fake currency and arrest.
- Keep all exchange receipts, as you may have to prove you obtained your local currency legally.
- Ensure your credit card bills are paid and kept up-to-date whilst travelling.
- Consider where your money goes. Try and put money into local people's hands; try local drinks rather than imported brands; stay in locally-owned accommodation and try to eat in locally-owned restaurants.
- Keep your passport in the hotel safe and carry a photocopy with you.
- Keep your travel tickets in a safe place.
- If your money, passport or anything else is stolen report it at once to the local police.
- Obtain a police statement about the loss: you will need one to claim against your insurance.
- Theft of money - phone your bank at home to transfer money or to cancel your credit card using the relevant 24-hour emergency number.
- Theft of traveller's cheques - contact the issuing agent.
- Theft of tickets - see your tour representative or airline agent.
- Think about what happens to your rubbish e.g. take biodegradable products and a water filter bottle to cut down on plastic waste.
- Help preserve local wildlife and habitats by respecting rules and regulations. Be aware that buying any wildlife souvenirs or products is highly risky - If in doubt don't buy! See the UK Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Souvenir Alert! Campaign, which highlights the pitfalls of buying wildlife souvenirs abroad and also Trade Hotspots.
- Customs throughout the world confiscate illegal souvenirs and in the UK you could face a criminal prosecution and unlimited fines.
- Get a good guidebook. This will tell you about the country you are visiting. Find out about local laws, customs and culture.
- Take a phrase book and try speaking the local language.
- Respect local customs and dress codes. Think about what you wear and how you fit in. Ask your tour operator or guide if you are unsure.
- Be discreet about your views on cultural differences and behave and dress appropriately, particularly when visiting religious sites, markets and rural communities.
- Particular care should be taken not to offend Islamic codes of dress and behaviour with regard to sexual relations, alcohol and drugs.
- Always ask an individual's permission before you take a photograph and respect their reply. In some cultures you should not attempt to photograph women.
- Don't haggle too aggressively. In most countries where haggling is the norm, it is done with good humour and not for too long. Although prices are usually inflated for tourists, it's also important to remember that the discount you are haggling over could be a few pence for you but a significant means of income for a seller.
- It is always best to err on the side of caution. Behaviour that would be regarded as innocuous elsewhere can lead to serious trouble.

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