Make sure all passports, visas, vaccinations and health requirements are up to date.
Outdoor recommends travellers visit the UK Government's Department of Health Travel Advice website. This carries all the latest up to date independent travel and health risks information on destinations worldwide, including how to get medical treatments.
Take all your activity and outdoors sports travel insurance documents with you including travel insurance certificate. Keep them safe and handy.
Take a separate note of your policy numbers in case of loss or damage to your certificate or policy cards. Also leave a copy at home with next of kin as a contingency.
At home lock all doors, windows and cancel any milk, newspapers or extra deliveries. If possible get a friend or neighbour to keep an eye on your property whilst you are away.
Don't take large quantities of cash. Take travellers cheques and/or credit cards and don't forget most travel insurance policies have single article limits.
Make sure you have with you the emergency numbers to cancel your credit cards.
Don't forget an appropriate electical adaptor for the country you're travelling too. You'll need one to power any electrical items you have with you.
Taking a small first aid kit is a good idea, as is a basic sewing kit and a multitool.
Be aware of the latest airline and travel security measures. Allow plenty more time for check in and be careful when packing any carry on bags. Travellers are advised to keep hand baggage to a minimum and not to carry any sharp items, including scissors or penknives in hand baggage or on their person - these can be carried in hold baggage.
Don't leave your home address visible on your baggage.
Keep all valuables, passports and money on you. Never pack these items in checked in baggage. Take your activity and outdoor sports travel insurance documents with you.
Take time to accimatise to applicable climate, food, cultural and altitude changes.
Find out where all the main services are such as the Post Office, Police, Doctor and Medical Facilities.
Check that the electrical fittings and heaters in your hotel room are safe. Health and Safety standards are not always to the same standard we have in the UK.
Check that the tap water is safe to drink. If unsure, drink bottled water and avoid ice drinks.
Never leave belongings unattended or with strangers, especially at airports, stations, in resort, on the slopes or unattended in a vehicle.
Be aware of potential mountain or wintersports equipment theft from areas such as lift systems, mountain restuarants, cable cars, car parks and especially in resort at the end of the day. Always keep an eye on your equipment.
At your hotel, keep valuables and cash in a safe deposit box or in the hotel safe.
Please remember that you must obtain a police report in the event of any loss or theft. Original documents are required in order to settle your claim.
Please make sure you photocopy them before you send them to the claim adjustors.
Check with local shops, businesses or newspapers for any special offers which may save you time and money.
Be warned that the effects of alcohol increases with altitude so take it easy.
Enjoy the trip, activities and have fun!.
