Internal & External Capacity - 3,000 - 7,000 cu. inches Weight - 4-8 lbs empty Packing Your Pack No more than 1/4 - 1/3 your weight A pack cover or poncho is important or else pack "stuff" in garbage bags
2 person tent - weight - 5-8 lbs or 3 - 4 lbs/person. You can separate tent, poles, and rain fly
Fill - synthetic (examples, holofil, polarguard) vs. natural (cotton, down). Style - mummy, rectangular, etc Temperature Rating Weight (should not be more than 5 lbs) Compression Sack
Foam (7 ½ ounces) Self-inflating (about 1 lb. 9 oz.)
First Aid Kit, Foot Care Kit, Toilet Paper & Trowel, Whistle, Compass, Pocket Knife, Waterproof/Windproof Matches, Hand Mirror, Tweezers, Safety Pin, Dental Floss, Duct Tape, Rope, Personal Identification.
Iodine Tablets vs. Pump System (consider weight, convenience, and volume of water treated)
Liquid vs. Gaseous Fuel Stoves Weight (10 - 16 ozs.)
Hiking Boots Wool/Wool Blend Socks Layer clothing Avoid cotton (go for synthetics) Rain Gear Warm/Cold Gear Pack Cover
Prepackaged vs. Grocery Store Zip Lock Bags Repackage Food before you leave to eliminate weight and garbage Separate meals into different stuff sacks
Spare bulb Check batteries before departure Pack batteries separate
