Take a full medical kit.
Drink only bottled water.
Be wary of ice, unless frozen from bottled water.
Do not eat raw seafood or meat.
Eat well-cooked meals and fruit that can be peeled.
Never buy food from roadside or street vendors.
Swim only in chlorinated/rock salt treated pools or the ocean. Lakes, streams, waterfalls and rivers all harbor diseases and parasites, not to mention crocodiles!
Listen to what the guides are saying, as they know the area, and want you to have the best time whilst on safari.
Apply sunscreen liberally.
Use moisturizer liberally to counteract the dry atmosphere, the wind and sun. Wear neutral colors as bright colors attract the insects. Blue is bad as it attracts tsetse flies, which have a nasty bite. Use lavender oil to reduce tsetse fly swellings and pain.
If staying in a lodge or tent out in the bush, check your shoes each morning, turning them upside down to dislodge any spiders or scorpions.
Don’t wear sparkling jewelry as this attracts insects.
If walking wear long pants and stout ankle high boots to avoid picking up grass borne insects.
Avoid sitting in the grass or on sandy soil.
Don’t use strongly scented soap, deoderant, perfume, hair shampoo or spray as these all will attract insects.
Snakes will try their hardest to avoid any human contact and get out of your way, without you being aware they are there. It is rare to see snakes on safari.
